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Please enter name of firm or registered email address, indicate whether you want to retrieve your firm's username or password, and click "Submit".
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Rule 1. Citation.
Rule 2. Interpretation.
Rule 3. Application.
Rule 4. Advocate and Solicitor not to publicize except in accordance with these Rules.
Rule 5. Publicity within Malaysia.
Rule 6. Area of practice.
Rule 7. Letterhead and stationery.
Rule 8. Advertisements in legal and non-legal directory.
Rule 9. Nameplate.
Rule 10. Building directory.
Rule 11. Business card.
Rule 12. Brochure, leaflet and pamphlet.
Rule 13. Journal, magazine and newsletter.
Rule 14. Notice.
Rule 15. Interviews with press, radio and television.
Rule 16. Participation in seminars, conferences, forums, etc.
Rule 17. Greeting card.
Rule 18. Client's publicity.
Rule 19. Documents relating to property transaction.