Law Firms | Areas of Practice
The Malaysian Bar website receives several thousand unique visitors per year, in search of legal assistance and/or law-related information. There are numerous users who are unsure which law firms to contact for the legal advice that they need.
This section provides a list of common areas of legal practice, and details of law firms that have paid to advertise their services.
To see the all the areas of practice and law firms that have advertised, head over to the section on the left, and start scrolling through the list! All the categories and subcategories are also listed further below, and hyperlinked for quick access.
To advertise, please contact the Erin Samuel (Public Relations Department) by telephone at 03-2050 2037 or by email at
Disclaimer: The information contained in this section is for general information purposes only. We make no warranties, representations or undertakings about any of the information (including, without limitation, the quality, accuracy and completeness of such information).
This is not a complete list of all law firms. The law firms that are listed have paid to advertise in this section.
Please click on any link below to navigate directly to the selected area of practice.
(1) Administrative and Constitutional Law
(2) Arbitration and Alternate Dispute Resolution
(3) Aviation
(4) Banking, Finance and Securities
(5) Commissioner for Oaths
(6) Competition Law and Antitrust
(7) Consumer Protection
(8) Conveyancing and Property
(9) Corporate and Commercial
(10) Criminal
(11) Customs and Immigration
(12) Election
(13) Employment
(14) Energy, Natural Resources and Green Technology
(15) Environment
(16) Extradition and Mutual Assistance
(17) Family
(18) General and Civil Litigation
(19) Human Rights
(20) Infrastructure and Projects
(21) Insurance and Reinsurance
(22) Intellectual Property
(23) International
(24) Islamic Finance
(25) Media and Entertainment
(26) Notary Public
(27) Personal Data Protection and Privacy
(28) Professional Conduct and Discipline
(29) Shipping and Admiralty
(30) Syariah
(31) Tax
(32) Technology and Communications
(33) Wealth Management, Inheritance and Succession Planning
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