Life can be very demanding. You may be experiencing stress and anxiety for a variety of reasons — professional and/or personal. You may have suffered the loss of a loved one or are facing financial difficulties or loneliness. In such circumstances, the support of family members and friends is crucial, but seeking professional help may assist tremendously in improving one’s emotional well-being. No one should feel ashamed of taking the positive step of speaking with a trained counsellor.
Kindly be informed that the Malaysian Bar has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) with the Board of Counsellors (Malaysia) whereby the Bar will pay for a maximum of five counselling sessions for Members and pupils in chambers (“pupils”). Registered counsellors appointed by the Board of Counsellors (“panel counsellors”) will provide the counselling services under this programme.
Confidentiality is of the utmost importance and we wish to reassure Members and pupils that the identity of the Member or pupil seeking counselling will be known only to the panel counsellor whom the Member or pupil approaches, and the Board of Counsellors. In accordance with the provisions of the MoU, the identities of Members and pupils seeking assistance will not be made known to the Bar Council.
We are pleased to inform Members and pupils that you can seek counselling services from the panel counsellors. The list of panel counsellors is available here on the Malaysian Bar website. It will be updated from time to time, when changes are made by the Board of Counsellors.
Please click here to view a set of Frequently-Asked-Questions (“FAQ”) regarding the programme. (Sila klik di sini untuk Soalan Lazim berkenaan dengan program ini.) Members and pupils are encouraged to review the FAQ carefully before making use of the counselling services programme.
Should you have any enquiries regarding the programme, kindly contact the Board of Counsellors at 03-8323 2522.
Updated as at 25 Sept 2024:
The current MoU with the Board of Counsellors will expire on 6 Apr 2025.