Resolution to increase the annual subscription of the Sports Fund from RM10 to RM20
Motion proposed by Anand Ponnudurai (Co–Chairperson, Bar Council Sports Committee), on behalf of Bar Council, and seconded by Oommen Koshy (Member, Bar Council Sports Committee), dated 5 Mar 2013
(1) The Sports Fund was established in 2003 having recognised that it was in the interest of the members of the Malaysian Bar to increase the number of sporting activities organised by the Bar Council to foster closer relations between members of the Bar and the Judiciary, and in particular to meet the expenses incurred in the annual Malaysia Singapore Bench and Bar Games (“the Games”).
(2) The breakdown of expenses incurred for the Games are predominantly made up of the following:–
(a) RM80,000 to RM100,000 to the State Bar appointed to organise the Games (which goes towards the booking of venues, transportation, payment for officials and sports equipment, welcome reception and final night dinner);(b) Training budget for 16 sports;(c) Purchase of jerseys and printing of the contingent t–shirts;(d) Accommodation and transportation for chambering pupils;(e) Subsidies for players’ accommodation.
(3) When the games are hosted by Singapore, the expenses are even more due to the higher cost of accommodation and exchange rate, and the purchase of the final night dinner tickets.
(4) In spite of the subsidies given, players spend a considerable amount of their own money for training and to represent the Malaysian Bar at the Games, more so when the Games are held in Singapore.
(5) Apart from the Games, the Sports Committee has also been organising the annual Interstate Bar Games for the past few years with states taking turns to host these games. Due to lack of funds in the Sports Fund, the Bar Council has been giving RM10,000 from the Main Fund to the State Bars to organise the games. However State Bars still have to source for sponsors and donations from their own members as the costs of organising these games is around RM30,000 to RM40,000. This has resulted in State Bars being unwilling to host these games and some States unwilling to participate and pay an entrance fee.
(6) In addition another sports event has surfaced recently, namely the Tripartite Bar Games between the Malaysian Bar, Advocates’ Association of Sarawak and Sabah Law Association. Although each Bar Association will take turns as host, funds will be required to organise and participate in these games.
(7) The Bar Council and Attorney General’s Chambers have recently expressed interest in reviving the Tripartite Games between the Malaysian Bar, the Judiciary and the Judicial and Legal Services Officers’ Association (JALSOA) and additional funds will be needed.
(8) The Statement of Accounts reflects an increase in expenses in relation to the subscription received in the past 2 years.
2011 | RM141,620.00 | RM137,456.72 | RM4,163.28 |
2012 | RM148,220.00 | RM166,853.44 | (RM18,633.44) |
2013 | RM150,000.00 | RM242,000.00 | (RM92,000.00) |
Explanation Note:–
(a) The Statement of Accounts does not include the following expenses paid out from Bar Council Main Fund in 2011:–
(i) RM10,000 for the Interstate Bar Games in Selangor;(ii) RM65,717.12 for the Tripartite Bar Games in Penang.
(b) In 2012, the Interstate Bar Games were not held as no State Bar was willing to host the games with a budget of only RM10,000. Yet there was a Deficit of RM18,633.44.(c) The projected income for 2013 is based on the current subscription of RM10 and 15,000 members, while the projected expenses is based on the 2012 Expenses and inclusive of the costs of the Tripartite Bar Games and Interstate Bar Games based on the figures in 2011. The figures show a projected Deficit of RM92,000.
(9) Hence the annual subscription of RM10 which was sufficient at the relevant time it was introduced, no longer is, due to the increase in expenses and sporting activities.
(10) If the subscription is increased to RM20, the Sports Fund will have approximately RM300,000 annually (based on 15,000 members), thereby enabling the Bar Council and Sports Committee to run all sporting activities mentioned above and without having to dip into funds from the Main Fund. In addition, there will be sufficient funds to organise other activities like the annual Tun Dzaiddin Golf Trophy, the purchase of blazers for the recipients of the sports personality award and meet other expenses.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the annual subscription of the Sports Fund be increased from RM10 to RM20.
The motion was put to a vote and carried by a majority (289 votes in favour, 10 against, and five abstentions).
Resolution regarding the e–filing system
Motion proposed by Arunachalam Kasi, dated 7 Mar 2013
(As amended)
It is hereby resolved that:
1) The Bar Council to negotiate with the concerned parties to:
a. reduce the e–filing access fee to the lowest possible, or free(currently it is RM1500.00 per certificate for a term of two years);b. apply a lower fee for certificates subsequent to the first one; andc. make the fee payable annually rather than for term of two years.
2) The Bar Council to call upon the concerned parties to rectify efficiency issues including downtime issues, alternative plans during downtimes, downtime notice interval, and so forth.
3) If the negotiations do not seem to be fruitful by mid of the year, Bar Council to consider other available avenues including duly considering if a complaint should be lodged with the Competition Commission or any other relevant authority against the system vendors for abuse of dominant position.
The motion, as amended, was put to a vote, and was unanimously carried.