(1) The Malaysian Bar Library (“Library”) is strictly a reference library and not a lending/borrowing library. Consequently, no book, report, periodical or publication/material of any kind may be removed from the Library. There are adequate facilities within the Library for photocopying, scanning, faxing etc of materials.
(2) Unless provided otherwise, the use of the Library is open ONLY to the following persons:
(2) Unless provided otherwise, the use of the Library is open ONLY to the following persons:
(a) Members of the Malaysian Bar who hold a valid Practising Certificate may use the Library at no charge.
Lawyers who have been newly admitted to the Malaysian Bar but do not possess a valid Practising Certificate may use the Library facilities, at no charge, for two months from the date of being admitted, and by paying a fee of RM20 per day after the two-month period.
(b) Pupils in chambers who have filed a copy of their petition for admission with the Bar Council may use the Library at no charge, and may continue to do so for up to four months after the end of their pupillage.
Law students and attachment students are not allowed to use the Library.
(c) Members who have ceased practice may use the Library facilities for a fee of RM20 per day.
(d) Members of foreign bar associations who produce valid photo identification documents to verify their identity and membership may use the Library at no charge.
(e) A Member of the Bar may bring in guests who are members of a foreign bar association, so long as the Member informs the Library staff.
Lawyers who have been newly admitted to the Malaysian Bar but do not possess a valid Practising Certificate may use the Library facilities, at no charge, for two months from the date of being admitted, and by paying a fee of RM20 per day after the two-month period.
(b) Pupils in chambers who have filed a copy of their petition for admission with the Bar Council may use the Library at no charge, and may continue to do so for up to four months after the end of their pupillage.
Law students and attachment students are not allowed to use the Library.
(c) Members who have ceased practice may use the Library facilities for a fee of RM20 per day.
(d) Members of foreign bar associations who produce valid photo identification documents to verify their identity and membership may use the Library at no charge.
(e) A Member of the Bar may bring in guests who are members of a foreign bar association, so long as the Member informs the Library staff.
(3) All Library users shall record their particulars (including full name, NRIC/photo identification document number, Bar Council membership number (if applicable), and the name of the user’s law firm) legibly into the book provided at the Library counter for this purpose, and shall sign the book upon entering and exiting the Library.
(4) If requested, Library users shall show their NRIC or other form of photo identification document to the Library staff.
(5) Library users are not permitted to bring any staff or other persons into the Library to assist them. They may seek assistance from the Library staff.
(6) Library users may request the Library staff to photocopy materials for them, at the applicable rate(s).
(7) Only reading and writing materials and laptops may be brought into the Library. Other items (including bags, files, umbrellas, parcels etc) are to be kept in the lockers provided. The Bar Council will not be responsible for any alleged damage or loss as a result of the use of the lockers.
(8) Materials and other items left unattended in the Library may be removed by Library staff. The Bar Council will not be responsible for any alleged damage to, or loss of, personal belongings that are left unattended.
(9) Library users who damage or remove Library property and/or materials from the Library may be subject to disciplinary action and/or other legal action, and may have their library privileges suspended or revoked. The Bar Council reserves the right to publish such users’ names, including on the Malaysian Bar website or in a Bar Council publication such as Praxis.
(10) If requested, Library users shall present their bags and materials to the Library staff for inspection before exiting the Library.
(11) Library users are requested to be considerate of other users, in order to create a suitable environment in the Library for reading and research, and to give their cooperation to the Library staff.
(12) Smoking, eating or drinking are strictly prohibited in the Library.
(13) Silence is to be strictly observed in the Library. The use of cellular phones, and any other noisy or disruptive activities, are strictly prohibited.
(14) Use of the Library constitutes a user’s acceptance of these rules, which must be complied with at all times.
(15) Library staff have the right to request users who violate any of these rules to leave the Library immediately. The Bar Council may bar any person from using the Library facilities as a result of infringement of these rules, or of other misconduct.
Updated as at 4 June 2018.