The Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution (“AADR”) Committee had its first meeting on 6 June 2012 and decided to focus on carrying out the following activities for the 2012/2013 term:
(1) Organise two-day introductory courses for other professionals;(2) Organise mediation skills training courses in Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur; and(3) Brainstorm ways to develop mediation in Malaysia and upgrade current mediation courses.
The scheduled meetings for the 2012/2013 term are as follows:
(1) 2nd Meeting: 2 Aug 2012(2) 3rd Meeting: 19 Oct 2012(3) 4th Meeting: 6 Dec 2012(4) 5th Meeting: 4 Feb 2013
The AADR Committee has designed a two-day programme on introduction to mediation to promote mediation to other professionals. The objective of this programme is aimed at introducing mediation to as many sectors as possible apart from the legal fraternity.
The AADR Committee has organised three sessions of mediation skills training course. The first session was held from 20 to 24 June 2012 at the Pahang Bar Committee in Kuantan. This training was attended by nine participants and the majority of them were from the legal fraternity.
At the request of the Registrar of the Industrial Court of Malaysia, the AADR Committee conducted a mediation skills training course from 18 to 22 Sept 2012 at the Straits Trading Building, Kuala Lumpur. This programme catered to 15 participants, four of whom were Chairmen of the Industrial Court, and the remaining participants were the Registrar, Deputy Registrar, two Senior Assistant Registrars and seven Assistant Registrars.
From 3 to 7 Oct 2012, the AADR Committee organised another session at the Bar Council Secretariat, which was attended by 16 participants. Out of these 16, four were non-Members of the Bar.
The AADR Committee is proud to place on record that Seumas Tan Nyap Tek, member of AADR Committee as well as a mediator of the Malaysian Mediation Centre (“MMC”), had written a book entitled Mediation Skills and Techniques, which was published by Thomson Reuters Malaysia Sdn Bhd. The book was officially launched on 14 May 2012 by Lim Chee Wee, President of the Malaysian Bar and Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari, Chairman of the Asian Mediation Association at the Raja Aziz Addruse Auditorium, Bar Council. The book launch was attended by approximately 80 people, including some close relatives and friends of the author. This is certainly a memorable event not only for Seumas Tan but also the AADR Committee, as it is the first book on mediation ever written by a Member of the Bar as well as a mediator on the panel of the MMC.
On the morning of 14 May 2012, Seumas Tan conducted a workshop entitled “Workshop on Introduction to Mediation Skills and Techniques”. This workshop was attended by approximately 40 people, including three personnel from the Bar Council Secretariat. At the workshop, participants were introduced to the basic skills and characteristics of a mediator.
The AADR Committee also organised a brainstorming session on ways to promote mediation in Malaysia on 3 Aug 2012 and invited George Lim to share the Singapore experience on the development of mediation in Singapore. George Lim, a former President of the Law Society of Singapore as well as a senior mediator, currently sits on the Boards of the Singapore Mediation Centre, Singapore Land Authority, Singapore Institute of Legal Education and the Pro Bono Management Committee of the Law Society. George Lim practises as a litigator, arbitrator and mediator in Singapore. This session was attended by mediators on the panel of MMC.
Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari
Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee
Dated 10 Oct 2012
Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari (Chairperson) | Abdul Fareed b Abdul Gafoor | Choy Kam Lee | Christine Khor Meow Wei | Gunavathi Subramaniam | Hendon Mohamed | Hwang Wei-Shien, Marcus | Jonathan Yoon Weng Foong | Karen Abraham | Megalai Raman | Nachammai Kumarappan KMS | Ng Seng Kiok | Petra Oon Beng Ai | Serene Ong-Si-Oui | Seumas Tan Nyap Tek | Shannon Rajan | Sumathi Murugiah | Tay Bee Choo | Tejinderpal Kaur | Wong Lu Peen | Yip Huen Weng | Marianna Laureen Tan (Officer-in-charge)