There are currently 12 State Bar Committees.
Pursuant to section 73 of the Legal Profession Act 1976, each State Bar Committee shall have the following powers:
(i) to levy subscriptions from its members of an amount not exceeding in any one year one hundred ringgit from each member unless it has been agreed to by the State Bar Committee at its annual general meeting that the subscription shall be in excess of one hundred ringgit; and subscriptions shall be payable in each year to the appropriate State Bar Committee by each advocate and solicitor by the 30th day of June;
(ii) to promote and safeguard the interests of advocates and solicitors who are members of the State Bar;
(iii) to make appropriate representations to the Malaysian Bar upon matters concerning the State Bar;
(iv) to entertain and deal with such matters as may from time to time be referred to it either generally or specifically by the Bar Council or the State Bar in general meeting;
(v) to provide amenities for and generally to promote the welfare of members of the State Bar;
(vi) to inquire into and proceed with any complaint of the conduct of an advocate and solicitor in his professional capacity or of any pupil or articled clerk under Part VII;
(vii) to co-opt as members of the Committee not more than two members of the State Bar who shall have no right to vote at any meeting of the Committee.